This battery is one a number built after the Royal Commission of the country's defences in 1859. It is located on the cliffs at Yaverland, just East of Sandown on the Isle of Wight. It was originally designed for, and mounted with eight 7-inch Rifle Breech Loading guns, but these were shortly replaced by Rifled Muzzle Loaders, and during the early C20th these were replaced by Mark VII Breech Loaders. The battery was defended with a dry ditch, protected by four small musketry caponiers. It was maintained by the Homeguard in WW2, but by the mid 1950s had been decomissioned. The battery now remains in private owership, within the grounds of a campsite. The site has been excavated in the last few years, unearthing the emplacements and magazines below, which appear in remarkable condition. The ditch however, has been filled in and much of the surrounding wall destroyed, although it was possible to enter one of the remaining caponiers.
Many thanks to the owners for allowing me to visit the battery site.
Plan, courtesy of the Palmerston Forts Society

Caponnier, and part of remaining ditch wall

Great video here of yaverland, just come across it, its on here:
Woow! this is so informative. Nice place. click here
Nce approach. Love it!
This is a nice data posted. Thanks
Love the whole statement. |
Yaverland Battery, located on the cliffs at Yaverland, just east of Sandown on the Isle of Wight, is a historical military installation. It was one of several batteries constructed following the Royal Commission of the country's defenses in 1859.
Originally, the battery was equipped with eight 7-inch Rifle Breech Loading guns. However, these were soon replaced by Rifled Muzzle Loaders, and later by Mark VII Breech Loaders during the early 20th century. The battery featured a dry ditch, protected by four small musketry caponiers, which provided additional defense.
During World War II, the battery was manned by the Home Guard. However, by the mid-1950s, it had been decommissioned. Today, the battery is privately owned and situated within the grounds of a campsite.
In recent years, the site has undergone excavations that revealed the well-preserved emplacements and magazines below. However, the surrounding ditch has been filled in, and much of the surrounding wall has been destroyed. Despite these changes, visitors have been able to explore one of the remaining caponiers.
The Yaverland Battery offers a glimpse into the island's military history and serves as a reminder of the strategic importance of the Isle of Wight in the defense of the country.
As of right moment, the battery is still privately owned and situated on a campground.
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