RAF Wartling is located in East Sussex and originally became operational during World War II as a Ground Controlled Intercept (GCI) early warning radar site, supporting the nearby Chain Home station at Pevensey. As with a number of WW2 Radar sites, Wartling was again used as part of the ROTOR radar programme during the Cold War. The bunker at Wartling is a standard, completely underground, R3 type. It is accessed through a concrete blockhouse on the surface (the emergency exit) and is on two levels with over thirty rooms in total. Unfortunately, the lower level of the bunker was flooded (although it was pumped out by Sub Brit some years ago, and the main corridor is now passable). However, the flooding has caused much deterioration of the bunker and weakened the wooden floors making them very dangerous.
The bunker is privately owned, this trip was specially arranged for Sub Brit & KURG.
Emergency Exit

The bunker is privately owned, this trip was specially arranged for Sub Brit & KURG.
Emergency Exit

Steps down to the lower level

not a lot about canewdon
this brings back many memories, when I used to go down there many years ago there were still coat hooks and shoe lockers with people names on them,the guard house at the top of the long corridor was open as were the main blast doors,I still have the mechanical logs for the generators and the sewage treatment pant,hourly check sheets,there was only one room that I never visited because of the water,
I know of one man that used to work there when it was operational,but haven't seen him in many years, the hole as it was referred to has many good memories from a troubled time.
It is so sad to see the condition of this site. I was stationed at Wartling from 1956 to 1958 as a fighter plotter, and was at first amazed at the size and complexity of the ops site.I eventually became "Ops B" on B Watch and remember sitting in the Chief Controller's cabin looking down on the floor and tote. We controlled Hunters from Biggin Hill and North Weald, Javelins and Meteors from West Malling and F86 Sabres from Manston. All interesting memories
Hi, could u possibly Tell me the contact details of who owns this bunker?
Both me and my brother worked on this bunker to try and bring it back to its original condition was amazing to see lots of history there :)
It would be great to get in contact with whoever owns this bunker as me and a few friends have been starting to record and document our experiences with various different bunkers around east-sussex and posting them online. We often drive for 3 to 4 hours at a time bounces to different locations and are very enthusiastic about our towns history. If anyone knows a map coord of this area then please post it or get in contact with me so I can ask to arrange a visit. Thank you
i have recently found out about this place, as two clients that i look after have told me about this place. Such a shame these monuments of history are not kept in there a original state. We have a air raid shelter in Bexhill and i wish the council would work on this and put a plaque up.
Modern forts and castles
I spent most of my National service at Wartling - first in the plotting room and latterly in no2 cabin involve with PI's(Practice interceptions). I well remember being involved with Hunters, Javalins, and, the memory gets a bit fuzzy, but I seem to remember Javelins doing night operations from Odiham! And of course, the poor old Meteors, with max height of about 46,000 ft!
I believe there is to be an organised visit to the site sometime in July wchich is open only to society members. I would very muhc like to attend but belonging to the society is a bit pointless as I couldn't actively get involved due my advancing years. Th fee in fine. Is there any way around this?
Very much interesed in your site. On a personal note, I met my wife of over 60 years whilst stationed at Wartling - at a dance in Hastings, so may happy memories!
Geoffrey Arnold said: I served as a Radar Officer at Wartling from mid-1956 to end July 1957 when I completed my National Service commitment. The drive from our living quarters near Cooden Beach to Wartling could be hair raising depending on who was driving, but once down the "hole' it was all serious business. Test incursions by Russian bombers into UK airspace, mysterious high level plots by unknown aircraft - later we found out they were U2's, but we were instructed by HQ at Stanmore not to report the plots. Hours of boredom, but, nevertheless a fascinating and memorable experience. Not the least for the friendships with fellow officers, some of whom had served in WWII.
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