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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hope Cove R6 Rotor Bunker, Plymouth

This site at Hope Cove, near Plymouth in Devon, was first used as a WW2 RAF station. Like many others of its type, it was later reused as the site for a Rotor bunker. The Rotor early warning Radar project began in the early 1950s as a result of the perceived threat of nuclear war. A series of Radar stations were constructed, which covered different sectors of the country. Standard types of bunker were built on these sites, named R1 to R11, some being surface bunkers, others being semi-sunken or completely underground. The bunker at Hope Cove is a R6 type, and therefore consists of a concrete structure above ground, with steps down to a semi-sunken level. In the late 1950s, the bunker was converted into a RSG (Regional Seat of Government), intended to be utilised if an attack had been made on the capital. Today, the interior of the bunker remains in excellent condition, and the filtration plant, generator and other items remain. It was sold to a private buyer in around 2003, and it is unknown what the intentions are for its future use.

Many thanks to the owners for allowing access to the bunker.

Exterior view of the bunker

Entrance and ladder to roof

Corridor on the top level

Original sign inside the bunker

One of the many rooms on the top level

Documentation and plans of the bunker


Steps down to the lower level

Passage to generator house, on the lower level

Air conditioning unit

The generator

Spares for the generator, still on the shelves

Emergency ladder to plant room


Anonymous said...

Nice photos mate! :)

Unknown said...

Do you have the owners details, i would quite like to visit!