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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Fort Spanjola, Herceg Novi, Montenegro

The coastal town of Herceg Novi in Montenegro is located close to the Croatian border. The town was heavily fortified, with three main forts and a citadel. The most impressive of the forts is located high above the town, away from the tourist resort. It is known as Fort Spanjola, or the Spanish Fort. The main structure of the fort dates back to the 1500s, and its imposing stone walls and four huge bastions are quite a formidable sight.  The fort continued to be used and was modified over the years, predominantly in the 19th Century, when the Austrians added an interesting gun battery to the east. An iron plated turret dated 1898 and small caponnier can be found in this area. The fort was also used in WW2 and remains of a concrete covered building can be seen in the middle of the fort and what appears to be an underground bunker.  The fort is currently in a derelict state, probably due to its location, but access is not restricted in any way.